Monday, August 31, 2020

WELCOME to Parents


Please check out this overview and welcome back message from Mr. Warren ! 

Assurance Cards!

 Each day, your child will hold up an assurance card before walking in the building, showing us that they have been screened at home. These cards should have arrived in the mail for you to use. Please review the video below for more details! 




Please take some time to review the protocol videos with your child. These videos will help answer lots of questions. 


Leaving School Each Afternoon

 If your child rides the bus... 

  • Teachers will walk their classes to the buses to avoid bus loop congregating. 
  • Children will get right on the bus and go right to their assigned seat. 
  • The transportation protocol will be followed. CLICK HERE FOR TRANSPORTATION SAFETY VIDEO

If you pick your child up...

Before you pick them up: 
  • Please be sure you have communicated to the attendance office that you are picking your child up. Mrs. Lotz has retired, but now you can communicate to Mrs. Pierce. CLICK HERE FOR CONTACT INFORMATION AND ATTENDANCE EXPECTATIONS
  • Please avoid last minute calls. We need to know morning of or the day before if you are picking your child up. 
  • Please be sure to have your license in case we need additional verification.

During the actual pick-up: 
  • Please pull into the parent pick-up loop. Pull ahead as much as you can so we can safely fit as many cars as possible. See a picture of the parent pick-up loop below. 

  • If the parent loop is filled, please do not wait on the main road. Instead, pull in and begin a waiting line going around the side of the parking lot, against the fence. See the picture below for the location that I am referring to. 

  • When you arrive in the loop, there will be staff members will walkie-talkies, calling inside for students to come out. Hold up (or place in the window) the provided sign with your child's number on it. Where do I get these signs? Please swing by the QUEST security desk anytime during the day from 9/8-9/10 to grab if you plan on picking up your child.  

When you leave...
  • Please pull out safely and cautiously as the parent loop will be quite busy. 
  • Please put your sign in a safe spot as the sign will be needed each time you pick your child up. 

Please swing by the QUEST security desk anytime during the day from 9/8-9/10 to grab if you plan on picking up your child to grab the pickup sign. 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Entering School Each Morning--Please review with your child!


In the past, all students coming off the bus would enter through one door, and all students getting dropped off would enter through the security entrance. This year, in order to remain socially distanced, we are going to be using multiple entrances. Below is the entering the building procedures in three easy steps. We respectfully request that you review this new procedure, and perhaps drive by and find the appropriate numbered entrance, with your child prior to the start of the year.   

Step 1: 

Get off the bus OR get dropped off and walk to the front of the building where staff will be waiting with signs for doors. Find the door that is numbered based on which class you are in.

  • C. Jones, B. Jones, Tracey, Gibbs, Yensan, Lippincott=door # 20
  • Firkins, Dibattisto, Francesca, Moore= door # 21
  • Elias, PJ, Langswager, Velyk, Monfiletto, Pierri= door #23
  • Carpenter, Butlin, Booth, Duffy, Stanford, Strecker=door #24
  • UPK communicated from teacher


Those dropped off by parents should walk to the front of the building and enter through front entrances, however, if it is raining those who were dropped off may go through the security entrance in order to avoid a longer walk.


Students should be dropped off for school at 8:40. They will not be able to wait in the building, so please do your best to stick to this time.





Step 2: 

Student arrives at their numbered door and shows their Assurance Card (provided by the district), so please have this on a lanyard, attached to their bag, or in an easy spot for your child (and where they will not lose it). If your child does not have it, a staff member will take their temperature before they enter. 


Step 3: 

Students go directly to class where they will sanitize or wash their hands. The teacher will then send them to their lockers/cubbies a couple at a time, and breakfast/lunch will be ordered for those getting a school meal.  


Prior to the start, it would be awesome if each parent showed their child which door is which, pointing to the numbers in the front of the school. A quick drive by to the bus loop, where you get out and show them where they would walk to, will go a long way. This would help avoid confusion on the first day.

Each door will have a staff member at it, and staff will also be holding up signs to help students learn this new process. In addition, we will have staff outside, ensuring that students are walking to the doors in a socially distanced way.


Thank you,

Derek Warren

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Update for 8/25/20


I hope you are all doing well. Below are a few updates that we wanted to get out to you. Thanks for your patience as we navigate all of the new guidelines and processes. Together, we rise! 

Kindergarten Only: 

Kindergarten assignments (name of teacher), and supply lists, are being sent in the mail tomorrow (Wednesday). These should arrive in the mail by the end of the week. Please be on the lookout. Included in the mailing will be more information about K classroom visits. We can't wait to meet your little one! 

Grades 1-6 Supply Lists: 

Supply lists are now available for those students who did not choose remote only. To view the list, click on the link at the top of the blog that indicates the level your child will be going in, and then click on the classroom teacher that they are assigned. Please see the image below for a snapshot of where they are located on the blog. If you have any issues opening the items, please reach out to the school and we will gladly send it to you another way. 

If your child is going remote only, the assigned teacher will be sent out in the near future, followed by a different supply list. 

QUESTions for Kids: 

I recently had the opportunity to be on the district panel to address many questions regarding reopening. In addition, I also had a privilege about being on a student forum. If your child has a question for me about the fall, please check out the Bitmoji classroom. If you click on the top of the Flipgrid logo within the classroom you can see a recording that I made, and they would then be able to send me a video question. I'll do my best to get to all the questions. 


Next week: 

Next week we will be communicating the new procedures for pick-up and students arriving into the building, followed by some general building movement processes that we will be following. Stay tuned! 

Enjoy these summer moments. Have some ice cream, stay up a bit too late, and be sure to dive into one more good book. We will be well into our routine in the near future. Can't wait!


Derek Warren


Friday, August 14, 2020

Week of 8/14

 QUEST Families,

Happy Friday! I hope this email finds you well.

If you did not get to view one of the forums yet, the one last night was well done and had a lot of thoughtful questions. The video, which is posted on Youtube, can be found below. If you have questions about the return to school, these forums will provide you with an abundance of information, including the remote only model (deadline is this evening at 11:59 pm). Although I will be communicating out more specific procedures for QUEST in the future, if you have any current questions about QUEST procedures, please do not hesitate to reach out. We are in this together!

Bitmoji Classroom: 

The Bitmoji Classroom has an updated video for the kids, specifically for our new K kids or students new to the school! Enjoy: 


Please have a relaxing and restful weekend. 


Derek Warren

QUEST Principal 

Monday, August 3, 2020

Welcome Back: 20-21 Updates

QUEST Families,

Happy Summer! Although we are still about six weeks away from the start of school, allow me to welcome you back to QUEST. Please join me in welcoming our new QUEST families; we are glad to have you as part of the team. In the past, we have always utilized Smore to deliver monthly newsletters, however, the current times call for thoughtful communication, so we are shifting to this blog in order to serve as the one-stop-shop for parents. We will send out the link via email monthly, however, you can also "follow" the blog by using the Follow by Email feature to the right. Please notice the links available at the top as well.

For the kids:

Whether your child is new to QUEST or is entering their final year, it has been a while since students have been in the building. Coming back to school, and coming back to a school that will feel different due to new guidelines, can be scary. Our children are resilient and will take their cues from us, so anything we can do to get them excited to return will go a long way. In that spirit, I have created what is called a Bitmoji Classroom. This is nothing more than a place where kids can go and hear a story from their Principal, meet some staff members, or to get a quick pep-talk. Please check it out, and share it with your child as you see fit: Click HERE to connect with the Principal!

Ice Cream Social: 

Each summer we end summer and welcome the school back with ice cream, compliments of our awesome PTSO. As much as we value this tradition, we are unable to offer this opportunity this summer. We look forward to continuing this in the future, and perhaps next year we will need to serve double scoops of ice cream in order to make up for not having it this year.

Class Lists and Supply Lists: 

QUEST has been busy preparing for a safe return, and logistics continue to be worked on. With that, we are unable to send supply lists until later in August. Those coming to K will also receive their teacher assignment at that time. I apologize for the inconvenience, but please expect these sometime the week of August 24th. Thank you for your patience as we navigate the new guidelines.

Cohort Assignments: 

Cohort assignments are set to go out on Friday. Please be on the lookout, via email, for your child's cohort. We did our best to balance each classroom, keeping in mind that each room can only hold so many students in order to remain socially distanced. In addition, those parents wanting to go remote only will have a chance to sign up for that starting on Friday. 

I hope you and your family enjoy an awesome weekend filled with relaxation and time together. I can't wait to reconnect with many of you come September, but until then please don't hesitate to reach out if I can support your family in any way.


Mr. Warren