Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Principal's Message


Welcome back! There is no tired like the first week of school tired, and I am sure you can relate to that sentiment as we all transition back to our back-to-school routines. It has been an awesome start for our learning community, and we are thrilled for all the good that will come out of our school for the 21-22 school year. 


Please join me in welcoming our newest QUEST team members. We are thrilled to have them on board. 

Christin Barbera: School Nurse

Lance Trott: School Psychologist

Kristin Tomczak: Primary Teacher

Jason Piccarreto: Center for Youth (SEL/Behavioral Support)

Siobhan Achter: Math Center Teaching Assistant

Lisa Scottow: Library Aide

Barb Gooding: Teaching Aide

Amy Watt: Teaching Aide 

Center for Youth 

Mr. Jason Piccarreto (Mr. J.) is working with QUEST through the Center for Youth. Through his role with the school, he will support student behavior--alongside the Principal--and general student social emotional needs. His work space is the former computer lab, and it is now called the Help Zone. This area is a safe place when kids need a break, behavioral support, or to process situations needing an additional set of ears. Mr. J. believes in being as proactive as possible when supporting students, so on any given day you will find him floating around the lunch room and pushing into classes to help students in their setting. 

Mr. J is trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI). In addition, he a certified trainer for Monroe County, a youth mentor, and he has done crisis therapy for several years. His approaches are restorative in nature, and the end goal is to educate the student so they have the skills necessary to be successful in class. 

Virtual Parent Information Nights

Similar to last year, our Parent Information Nights will be virtual this year. Your child's teacher will provide you with information about signing into the event as we get closer. The schedule for these events are as follows:

October 5th-- K (6:00pm) and Elementary (6:45pm) 

October 6th--Primary (6:00pm) and Intermediate (6:45 pm) 

The blog is loaded with other goodies for your viewing pleasure. Please be sure to reach out if you have any questions or if we can support you in any way. 



Derek Warren


District Pesticide Notification


Food Service Update



 Join the QUEST Band Now!

The 2021-2022 school year is here and now is the opportunity to sign-up for the QUEST Band Program!  For more information, please contact Mrs. Lancia at or call 392-1000 ext. 6068.  

Band for advanced players will begin on Monday, October 4, 2021.  Please make sure to return your transportation form to Mrs. Lancia!  🙂

PTSO Update

 Hello QUEST Families and Welcome Back to school!  We know this time can be busy, exciting and maybe a little nerve-wracking for some of us.  As we get back onto schedules and learn new routines we look forward to watching our community flourish once again, as it has in the past.  

The PTSO is alive and still VERY active!  While we look forward to being able to run some of our beloved events we must understand and plan for them to look a little different in order to keep our community safe.  

With those things in mind: we are going to be holding MOST of our meetings via ZOOM again this year. With the exception of the First one… which is coming up quickly!  


MARK YOUR CALENDARS and please plan to join us LIVE… IN PERSON… in the QUEST Auditorium on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from 4-6pm


Lite Refreshments will be provided.  

Children are welcome to attend and sit (socially distanced- with masks) with a quiet activity in the back of the auditorium. 


We are planning to discuss our needs for this year as well as position openings and Steering Committee opportunities. 


If you cannot attend this meeting but wish to hear of the needs our PTSO has, please reach out!  We are happy to chat with you!  


Our current available positions are:

* Yearbook Coordinator

* Co-Treasurer 

* Steering Committee

* 2022-2023 School year Co-Chair(s) 


Glad to have you all back!  Looking forward to a wonderful year!  


See You at The Meeting! 



Homecoming and Spirit Week!


Student Council Update

*Student Council Applications and Elections - Elections will be held on November 2nd

      * Intermediate Students wanting to run for Vice President/President apply by Oct. 27

       * Elementary Students wanting to run for Treasurer/Secretary apply by Oct. 27

                ***Applications will be passed out to classrooms end of September!


          **Any Primary, Elementary or Intermediate Student can join Student Council this year as a Classroom Representative. You will need to fill out an application and attend most meetings and events. Our meetings  will be in person once a month on Wednesdays before school in Mrs. Tracey’s room  8:15am-8:40am ( specific dates coming soon).

Cadet Food Cupboard

 Cadet Cupboard Food Drive - Sept. 25 from 9 a.m.-12 p.m.

Cadet Cupboard Logo

Saturday, Sept. 25 from 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Hilton High School (Door #14)

  • Did you know that for $6, you can feed a child in need in our community for an entire weekend?
  • Cadet Cupboard, a food pantry for the students in the Hilton Central School District, provides children in need with essential, nutritious food that they can subtly take home and safely prepare on their own.
  • Food is a basic need for everyone but especially for growing children. Childhood nutrition is critical to their mental and physical development.


Donations of the following kid-friendly, nonperishable items are needed:

  • Peanut butter (12 ounce jar)
  • Whole grain crackers
  • Canned pastas (pop-top can)
  • Soups (pop-top can)
  • Beef stew (pop-top can)
  • Canned or packets of tuna fish or chicken
  • Healthy cereal – small boxes
  • Oatmeal packets
  • Ramen noodles
  • Rice or instant potato packets
  • Macaroni and cheese (microwaveable)
  • Fruit cups (peaches, applesauce, etc.) – 4 ounce
  • Vegetable cups (corn, green beans, etc.) – 8.5 ounce
  • Trail mixes
  • Raisins, dried fruit (snack-size boxes)
  • Pudding cups
  • Juice boxes (apple, orange, or other 100% juice)
  • Milk, both white and chocolate (do not require refrigeration)
  • Cereal bars or granola bars

Please no perishable or glass items. Items should be small enough to fit in a backpack.

Monetary donations are also greatly appreciated. Visit

For more information, contact Scott Ziobrowski, Food Service Director, at 392-1000, ext. 2152.

Safe School Helpline


Break the Silence, Prevent the Event

For a growing number of schools nationwide, students are sharing information and confidential tips via the Safe School Helpline®.

Sound too good to be true?  It’s today’s reality.

Students have eagle eyes and excellent hearing.  Student do know what’s about to come down.  They have heard the threats, seen the evidence, and are ready and willing to share information with school authorities when they can do so anonymously, and without fear of retribution.

Just imagine:

  • What if the school could prevent a suicide?
  • How about stopping a drug ring cold?
  • What if you learned the whereabouts of a concealed weapon before if could do damage?

These and many other tragic situations have already been prevented by the Safe School Helpline®.  Wouldn’t you, as concerned administrators and as loving parents, want this tool to help create a safe learning environment for all students?

Take a proactive step to stop trouble before it starts.  Watch the videos below and see what schools around the country are doing to keep their schools safe.

From School Safe Helpline's website

QUEST Chorus


IB Newsletter

Library News


QUEST Library is back in action!  It is wonderful to see the kids in the library checking out books and learning!  


Check out Sora our online catalog for loads of new titles: 



We are in need of volunteers to shelve books.  If you would like to volunteer to come into the library and help put books back in their place, we would love to have some extra hands (and we DO have sanitizer)! Contact! Flexible times! 

Cafeteria Reminder


Counselor's Corner