Monday, December 6, 2021

Principal Update

December 2021

QUEST Families,

Happy December! I hope this month finds you filled with lots to be grateful for, and that this month has been one of low stress and lots of time together as a family. QUEST has been working hard to provide your child with an awesome education, and looking back on 2021 we have lots to be proud of as a school community. School during a pandemic is not easy, but our school continues to do what we always do…rise up, together!

Better Goals or Better Systems?

We are about to approach 2022, and I have no doubt that we will be inundated with reminders to set a resolution, or to create meaningful goals so that we can be our best selves. In fact, we often reinforce the same message with our children.

As a school community, the one thing we all have in common is that we want our students to be successful. More than that we, as the adults in their world, also want our own success. Sometimes, however, we focus so much on where we want to go that we can easily forget how powerful it is to improve the system—or process—that will get us to where we want to be. As we approach 2022, let’s teach our children how powerful their systems, daily routines, and habits are.

I’d like to share an article with all of you that speaks much more eloquently about this topic than I can. Please enjoy by clicking on the link below:


I hope you all have a fabulous December break. For those who celebrate, please enjoy the holidays, and I hope you and your family are able to find plenty of time to sit down and enjoy the gift of time together. Here’s to a great 2022!


My best,

Derek Warren

QUEST Principal

Level Updates


The Kindergarten team has been very busy learning about learning! We spent some time exploring similarities and differences among schools, school days, and subjects in different locations around the world. We were surprised to see just how similar or different schools can be from one location to another.  In mid-November, we kicked off a new planner called “Let’s Celebrate!”  We will get to know one another even better as we share about our family traditions and celebrations at home.  We are also looking forward to exploring lots of celebrations from many different places! We will learn about holiday/cultural traditions, stories, and crafts from around the world.  We look forward to sharing our learning with you.  


"Once Upon a Time..." there were six primary classrooms that spent weeks learning about different types of stories.  Folklore, fables, tall tales, fairy tales and more.  They learned why people shared stories and what stories can do.  Students loved hearing about stories from around the world.  Did you know that many different cultures tell similar stories?  

 We will be moving shortly to a new planner called "Location, Location, Location," where we will learn about different land features, such as mountain, lakes, rivers and deltas and how to read different kinds of maps.  If you have any maps at home, please show them to your child!

 We also are finishing up our narrative writing and reading units.  Students will continue to enjoy writing stories about themselves throughout the rest of the year, but we will start learning how to write information stories, such as "how tos" and "All Abouts."   We will learn different nonfiction book structures and how to incorporate them into our writing. Please discuss with your child what they are experts on so they have a topic that they could write about. 

 We can't wait for all of the learning that will happen over the next few weeks. 


The Elementary Team continues to work diligently!  In inquiry, students are learning about waves and how waves help us communicate.  This is a great hands-on science unit where students conduct experiments and learn how to create different kinds of waves.  Through the unit, students learn that waves help transfer energy and that they can be described in specific ways using wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.  Students learn how sound waves and light waves help us communicate in many ways.  


We are so grateful that we were able to have our QUEST Feast this year! The intermediate students did a wonderful job of learning about different aspects of early life in the Americas and creating demonstrations for the QUEST student body.  

Currently, the intermediate level is wrapping up our second unit of the school year. Students have been engaging in a variety of learning experiences to learn about the economy. The central idea is that economic decisions in one place have an impact on another.

The lines of inquiry are:

·         the impact natural resources have on the economy

·         how people meet their needs through available resources

·         how peoples' economic decisions impact others

·         human rights and standards of living

Students investigated the ideas of supply and demand, they learned about different aspects of our global economy, and they considered the ways in which businesses operate.

We are excited to begin our next planner, Earth’s Story. Students will be working with the central idea that analyzing data and cycles helps us make predictions.
The lines of inquiry include:

·         using models to explain patterns, cycles and interactions

·         planning and carrying out controlled experiments

·         analyzing and using data to understand weather-related interactions

This science-based unit is fun and informative. We anticipate you hearing about our learning at home.

Spirit Week


QUEST Giving Tree


Library News


December 6th-10th is "The Hour of Code" week where kids throughout the world will be engaged in coding lessons.   QUEST students will be coming to the library to use our Dash and Dot robots.  They will be engaging in coding to control and make programs for our robots.   You can check out the Hour of Code initiative at this website:

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Spectrum Internet Offer


Spectrum Internet offer for households that qualify for free and reduced meals

Computer graphic

For low-income households that qualify, Spectrum is offering an internet service for $5 per month, plus $5 per month for the wireless option.

This is an alternative to the free MiFi offer through Verizon. For families that can budget the $10, the Spectrum offer will provide more reliable service. An added benefit is the ability to use this internet for non-instruction uses when not needed for schoolwork.

For more details and to apply, click here.


Spectrum makes it simple for qualified households to sign up for low-income Internet assistance.

  • Free Internet modem

  • High-speed internet at 30 Mbps (wireless speeds may vary)

  • No data caps

  • No contracts

  • Optional in-home WiFi service at $5/mo.


One or more members of your household must be a recipient of one of the following assistance programs:

  • National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

  • Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) of the NSLP

  • Supplemental Security Income (for applicants age 65+ only)

  • Complete the online application

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

PTSO Update


Hello Quest families!

We hope everyone had a great time at feast this year! We know the students did and so did we! 


Thank you to everyone for supporting the PTSO apparel sale. For those who ordered you will be receiving your apparel before break. We hope everyone loves their new apparel! 


We will not be having a December PTSO meeting. Our next meeting will be in person in the Quest auditorium on January 6th at 4:00pm. We look forward to seeing you there!


Don't forget to use Amazon smile when doing your holiday shopping on Amazon! Quest Elementary can earn money back for purchases you make with your current Amazon account! All you need to do is go to

Log into your account and choose Quest Ptso as your charity! It's so easy and costs you nothing extra! Quest will then earn a percentage back from everything you buy! Everything earned will be used towards school events.


Thank you for all your support to help make Quest amazing for each and every student. We hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season!


Quest PTSO

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Erin's Law

 Dear Hilton Parent/Guardian,

In the past several years, many states including NY, have passed Erin's Law with the intent of increasing the awareness of child abuse. In Hilton, our elementary schools will continue to work with Community Educators from Bivona Child Advocacy Center to help us deliver the Monique Burr Foundation (MBF) Child Safety Matters™ program from the Monique Burr Foundation for Children. The program consists of two age-appropriate lessons to help children spot and respond to child abuse (physical, sexual and neglect), bullying and digital dangers. Most importantly, it teaches that adults are responsible for children’s safety. The program is based on the latest research and has been reviewed and endorsed by national experts.  

What exactly is covered in the lessons? MBF Child Safety Matters covers personal safety, all types of child abuse, digital abuse, bullying, cyberbullying and other digital dangers. The lessons focus on teaching children to rely on safe adults for support. Lessons are taught using age-appropriate and child-friendly language, fun games, and activities. Take-home items are provided as reminders of the lessons. At K-6, these lessons will be delivered by Bivona Child Advocacy Center Community Educators in February. 

How are Hilton parents involved? We value the ongoing partnership that we share with our families.  Please consider joining us at the Child Safety Parent Overview webinar on Tuesday, January 4th at 6pm. You should register in advance for this webinar using this link

The recording of this webinar will be posted to the HSCD website in the following days for those families unable to attend live.  Additionally, each lesson in the program includes materials to read and activities for parents to do with their children.

We look forward to this partnership with Bivona, HCSD staff, and HCSD elementary families to foster a safe and positive learning environment for our children. 


Derek Warren

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Principal Update

QUEST Families, 

I hope this month is finding you full of gratitude as we move closer and closer to the Thanksgiving break. The team at QUEST is knee-deep in busy season as we close out this marking period and prepare to begin the next. In the blog this month, you will find a buffet of topics related to life at QUEST. 

November 16th is a half-day!

The next consultation day is November 16th. This date was left off the district calendars, but it is a half-day nonetheless. Parent pick-up will be at 11:25, and buses will pull away at 11:45. 

FEAST-November 19th!

The annual QUEST Feast will take place on November 19th. Although the preparation of the meals is different this year--Food Service is preparing it for us--we will have all the traditional morning events. If you are interested in stopping by and looking at some of the demos on the 19th, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher to learn the time they have signed up for. 

Substitute for Mr. Warren?

Mrs. Warren and I are expecting our third child in December, and as a result I will be out of the building for a couple weeks once the little one arrives. In my absence, Ms. Lora Bower, Village Elementary Assistant Principal, will be taking over the reigns. If you need her assistance, please contact the main office at QUEST and they will have her get in touch with you.

Thank you for sending us awesome students each day. As a school community, we value the collaborative relationship we have with each of you, and we are a call away should there be anything we can do to support your child's learning. Happy November!


Derek Warren


PTSO Update

 Happy November Quest families,

This month our meeting will be on Nov. 18th at 7pm on Zoom. We will be talking about Joy shop, yearbook, feast, and budget. We look forward to you all joining us! If you have anything you would like us to put on the agenda please email us at


Meeting link:

Passcode:  ptso


We are so excited to be able to have feast again this year. Although it will still look a little different we are really looking forward to the presentations at the outdoor classroom again. 



The holidays are just around the corner. Quest PTSO is happy to announce Joy Shop will be back again this year! Joy shop is a market for Quest students to holiday shop for family and friends. All items available for purchase are handmade donations. Items sold range in price from .25 to $5. All funds raised are donated to charity.

We are looking for people who love crafting and are willing to make items for Joy Shop. Please consider crafting items to donate. All donations must be dropped off to Quest by 12/1. A bin will be placed in the front foyer by the security desk. It will be marked Joy Shop donations. We appreciate all your support! 

Quest PTSO

Picture Make Up Day


Picture Make Up Day is November 18!

For families that are unhappy with their school pictures-

To get a new photo package, you will need to bring back the original pictures. If you forget to bring back the package on makeup picture day, you will need to mail it to the Clix office at 3 Townline Cir, Rochester, NY 14623. If they get the package after the makeup day pictures have been sent to the lab, shipping charges may apply to send your individual order to your home. If you have only ordered a digital download, you do not need to bring anything to the camera on the makeup day.


For families of students that have not had their pictures taken- 

You can order with the original order forms or order pictures online at -

Enter code-21QE


Monday, November 8, 2021

Dance Planner


Our Dance Planner will begin on Monday, November 16th for all QUEST students.  Through the end of December, Music and PE will combine to learn a variety of dance styles in a large group setting.  Students need to be prepared by wearing sneakers on all Music and PE days.

Friday, November 5, 2021

Yearbook Update

 Hello Quest Families!

When starting on your holiday shopping lists, don't forget to place your order for the yearbook!  The yearbook will include photos of students from UPK to the 6th grade graduates and everyone in between.  All orders must be placed by April 28th, but don't delay!  Order your yearbook today and cherish the memories of the 2021-2022 school year.  

If you have any questions, you can reach out to:

Jess Schuler, Yearbook Editor at


Jessica Gaspar, Yearbook Editor at

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Library Update

Our library has been offering robotics experiences for all students and will continue to do so throughout the year.  Using our Monroe 2 Boces Library Lending program, we borrow these tools monthly and offer them to students in our library. Cubelets allow students to learn important problem-solving skills – like collaboration, engineering, design, and computational thinking.  Stay tuned for more robotics that will be in the hands of your QUEST student!


Have your Q Student join our library e-book service Sora and their reading will be recorded within the program.  Top readers will get prizes at the end of December!  


How to join SORA:


Band & Chorus Concert Update

The QUEST Band and Chorus concert will take place on December 8th, 2021!  

The chorus will perform at 6:30pm in the gym and the band will perform at 7:00pm in the QUEST Auditorium.  Please have your student arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of their performance time.

Our Corner of the World


Friday, October 8, 2021

Principal Message

 QUEST Families,

Happy October! I hope this month finds you and your child in well established routines, while also enjoying plenty of family time. We are quite busy at QUEST, and our students have all settled in well as we dive deeper into this year. This month's blog is loaded with goodies, so please take a close look. 


Our three-way conferences begin this month, with a heavy amount occurring on the evening of the 28th, and then again right before Thanksgiving. Although  the classroom teachers are the primary source for conferences, please know that special area staff, AIS providers, and special education teachers are also available to conference. 

For those new to QUEST, you will notice that students are included in our conferences. The purpose of this is to put the child in the driver's seat of their learning--agents of their learning we like to say. After all, it is their learning. The goal is that the student attends and together, alongside the teacher, we all establish learning goals that will be focused on for the coming months. This is a meaningful process, and I can say that as a QUEST parent, it is quite remarkable to hear your child talk about their learning in a thoughtful, structured way. 


QUEST does allow Halloween costumes, and our school will celebrate this holiday on October 28th. For those that do not celebrate this holiday, please communicate with your child's classroom teacher and meaningful accommodations will be made for your child. This is a half-day of school (smart move on our part, right?!). We will have an outdoor parade (time will be shared by the classroom teachers soon), and many classrooms also celebrate with classroom parties. Please be aware of the following expectations around costumes: 

  • No blood should be part of the costume that is worn to school.
  • Toy weapons that go with the costume should not be brought to school.
  • If a child has a mask with their costume, they should bring that in their bag; their classroom teacher will instruct them when it is an appropriate time to put it on.
  • Costumes should not be offensive or discriminate against others.

IB Coordinator and REACH at QUEST

Mrs. Andrea Geglia, current IB Coordinator and REACH teacher at QUEST, has accepted a position as a Principal in Greece. Congrats to her on her new job--QUEST will certainly miss her, but we could not be happier for her. She begins in Greece at the end of this month.

This leaves a vacancy at QUEST. We are in the process of hiring for the IB Coordinator, and once we have a person assigned to that role, we will communicate out. This role is an important one as they work alongside the district and building leadership to help build and sustain our IB Programme. 

Please join me in wishing Mrs. Geglia the very best! 

I hope you are able to find some time to pick apples, check out one of the fall-based offerings here in Hilton, or to jump in some leaves! Thank you for sending us such awesome learners. We appreciate you!


Yours in Education,

Derek Warren

QUEST Principal 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Make A Difference Day

 13th Annual Make a Difference Days - Friday and Saturday, Oct. 22 and 23

Make a Difference Day graphic

 We're back! After cancelling what would have been the 13th Annual Make a Difference Day due to the pandemic in 2020, the event will be back this year...and we can't wait! The Make a Difference Day Committee is currently working on logistics and scheduling projects, so that this year's event can again serve our community. Here is how you can help:


Friday, October 22

  • My Image FileRed Cross Blood Drive in honor of 2013 Graduate Jordan Ott - Jordan is a former Hilton student athlete battling cancer. She was a 2013 HCSD co-athlete of the year and is currently head coach of King’s College Women’s Ice Hockey.
  • Blood Drive is from 1-6 p.m. by appointment only. Schedule appointments at and enter sponsor code: HiltonCentralHS. ID and mask required.

Saturday, October 23

  • Donate Food for the Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf – “Stuff a Bus” Food Drive at Tops Plaza, South Ave., Hilton – 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.
  • Recycle Documents – Certified Document Destruction sponsored by Wegmans, Hilton High School, 9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
  • Donate New & Gently Used Coats, Hats & Mittens – Winterwear Drive sponsored by Hilton High School Model U.N., Hilton Cares and Hilton Baptist Church, Hilton High School – 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
  • Donate New Socks - Drop off at St. Leo's Church, Lake Ave, Hilton - 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
  • Donate Pet Supplies - Pet Shelter Supply Drive to benefit Flower City Critters Small Animal Rescue, Hilton Village Community Center - 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.


About Make a Difference Day: For 13 years, the Hilton School District has joined forces with the Village of Hilton and Town of Parma to participate in Make a Difference Day on the last Saturday in October. Teams of students, staff, teachers and community members come together to make the community a better place by rolling up their sleeves and pitching in on a variety of projects throughout the area.

Other Projects:

  • Hilton Rotary/Village Elementary students: Sorting donated food
  • Hilton Lion's Club: Yard cleanup for senior citizens
  • Hilton Parma Historical Society: Painting Dunbar Rd. Cemetery fence
  • St. George's Episcopal Church: Community garden cleanup
  • Parma Christian Fellowship: Salmon Creek cleanup
  • Merton Williams Middle School Student Council: Beautification of school grounds
  • Northwood Elementary School Student Council: Personal care packages and letters for military
  • Hilton Garden Club: Parma Library garden beautification
  • Parma Public Library: Card making for military and essential workers
  • Girl Scouts: Parma Park community garden cleanup and restoration

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Library Update

 Welcome October!  

We are so glad to have kids in the library, loving books and learning!

We had TEN prize winners who were our top SORA readers!  Sora is our online e-reader system which features thousands of books you can access from any device with wifi.  We are now having a FALL READING COMPETITION!   Prize packages for the top two readers at each level will be awarded on December 15th so every book your QUEST student reads online will count!  Instructions can be found here: #summersorareading

QUEST Library will be joining Special Areas for Open House Zoom.  Join me for any library questions you may have!

October 5, 2021 at 7:30 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 265 147 1341

Passcode: awesome

Safe School Helpline

 Hilton CSD introduces Safe School Helpline

Safe Schools Helpline Graphic

Hilton Central School District is introducing a Safe School Helpline® to help prevent threats of violence and drugs that endanger public schools nationwide.

It is designed to assist our learning community in reporting any wrongdoing that impact our schools, our students or our staff – anonymously, so as to protect one's privacy. For example, one may wish to report acts of violence, theft, drug or alcohol use, weapons or sexual harassment.

Just call from a touch-tone phone to 1-800-4-1-VOICE, ext. 359 (418-6423) to leave the information. Or TEXT: 614-426-0240, then type: TIPS. The message will not be traced, and the caller/text will not be identified. The Safe School Helpline® team will transcribe and fax the message to school officials, so appropriate action can be taken.

Commonly Asked Questions:

Q. How do we know it is anonymous?

The district has contracted for this service through Security Voice, an outside company with no ties to our school.

Q. How does it work?

A toll-free number has been assigned to Hilton School District. When you dial this number from a touch-tone phone, you will be advised how to leave your information – and not to include your name or other facts that could identify you. Then, record your message.

Q. What type of information should be reported?

Please report any facts, remarks, or actions that could jeopardize the safety of our students, staff or school. Examples of harmful or threatening behavior might include:

  • Bullying
  • Violence
  • Theft
  • Drug or alcohol use and abuse
  • Talk of suicide
  • Sexual harassment
  • Weapons

Q. What happens next?

Security Voice will send a typed copy of your message to the school. The school will then investigate the report, and determine how best to act on it.

Q. When and where can I call?

You may call toll-free anytime, day or night – from a home, mobile or pay phone. Take care that your call is not overheard.

Q. Can this service help troubled students, too?

Yes. If you see a student who is very troubled, or overhear remarks like "I can't go on," please report it. The call will e-routed to a Community Counseling and Crisis Center that provides a 24-hour crisis intervention service. Trained counselors are available 365 days per year to talk with persons seeking assistance in coping with suicidal thoughts, depression, or feelings of loneliness and loss. Callers need only press "3" when prompted.

Q. Who can call this number?

Everyone within our Hilton Schools, including:

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Staff
  • Parents/Guardians
  • Administrators

Q. Can I change my message later? How will you know who is calling?

Yes. When you leave a message you are given a case number that is yours alone. Enter that same case number when updating your message or answering additional questions.

Q. How will I know if any action has been taken?

After three school days, call the toll-free number and enter your case number when prompted. A recording will let you know your message was heard and may ask for more information. Your answers will be transcribed and sent to the school administration for further investigation. Administrative actions may sometimes be confidential, but your call is always important.

Help keep our schools safe
with the Safe School Helpline

Break the Silence ... Prevent the Event

1-800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359
(1-800-418-6423 ext. 359)

Text 614-426-0240
Then type TIPS

Download the Safe Schools Helpline app on Apple and Android Devices

PTSO Update

 Happy Fall Quest families! 

October is a busy month for PTSO. This week we will be having our Fall book fair. The book fair runs Oct. 4th - Oct. 7th. Please remember to send in money with your student or set up an e wallet. Monday and Tuesday night from 5p-7p Barton's Parkside hots food truck will be at Quest. Come with the family, get dinner and shop at the book fair!

We will kick off our Read-A-Thon fundraiser on Oct. 11th. We are really looking forward to seeing all the reading Quest will do! It will look very similar to last year where you will be able to track their reading online. Be on the look out for more info soon!

We are in the process of setting up the fall apparel sale. We know you will all love the great options we will have for you! You should be seeing that the first week in November.

If you have any Questions or would like to get more involved with Quest PTSO please email

Thank you for all your support!

Quest PTSO
Mindy Sullivan & Amanda Spriggs