Kindergarten: Our Kindergarten students have been working hard and growing
SO much! The K teachers have been impressed by our students’ and
families’ commitment to school work on both in-school and remote learning
days. THANK YOU! Keep up the good work!
The Kindergarten team is also excited to explore needs and
wants during our newest planner. We will be inquiring into needs and
wants of people and animals around the world and comparing them to our
own. What are your family’s needs and wants? Consider having this
discussion at home.
We hope everyone has an amazing February break.
Stay safe and have fun!
Primary: The primary students have become Sky watchers this month. They
have inquiring into "Why does the sun set?" "Why are some
days longer than others?" and "Where does the sun go at
night?" Please encourage your child to explore the sky
We also have been reading and writing nonfiction books. The
students are enjoying learning about nonfiction text features. The kids
love being experts and sharing everything they know about topics. At home
consider brainstorming what your child knows a lot about!
Elementary: The Elementary Team continues to work hard and have fun learning
about people, cultures, and countries around the world. Many classrooms
are working on our IB Planners Meeting Our Needs and Cultures. In Meeting
Our Needs, students are learning about how people meet their needs and wants in
different ways. Students learn how where we live effects how we
live. In Cultures, students learn about how people around the world
celebrate and share their culture in unique ways. Students learn that
different cultures also share their beliefs, values, foods, and way of life
with other cultures and that we are all interdependent. In our
upcoming planner, Earth Processes in New York State students explore the
geology of New York State.
Intermediate: The
Intermediate Team would like to thank our parents and guardians for continuing
to give tremendous support from home. We are grateful for you.
We recently wrapped up our Location Planner. During this unit,
we investigated ways in which location impacts the growth and development of
societies. Students researched and learned about ways of life in ancient
civilizations. They considered the impact of geography on those civilizations,
identified commonalities among civilizations, and looked for ways in which
humans modified their environment to meet their needs. Through looking back
into the past and looking to the present, students explored ways in which
people who live together share a common identity.
During the month of February, the Intermediate Team will
continue to celebrate Black History Month. We are reading and writing about
some of the many influential African Americans in our nation’s present and
past. Your student will be coming home with some important new learning to
We are looking forward to the start
of our upcoming planner, Decisions We Make. This is an inquiry into our rights
and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other
people and living things. Students will investigate impacts of human decisions
on physical and living environments. In this unit of study, students will
explore matter and energy in organisms and ecosystems. They will investigate
the causes and effects of deer overpopulation and will consider possible
solutions to the issue. Students will also be building, maintaining, and
observing terrariums in the classroom. Terrariums will be stocked with live
plants, fish, and insects to model a mini ecosystem. Throughout their learning,
students will explore ways in which the decisions that we all make impact the
world around us. This unit is always a favorite of students and teachers alike.
You are sure to hear about this one at home!