Welcome back! There is no tired like the first week of school tired, and I am sure you can relate to that sentiment as we all transition back to our back-to-school routines. It has been an awesome start for our learning community, and we are thrilled for all the good that will come out of our school for the 21-22 school year.
Please join me in welcoming our newest QUEST team members. We are thrilled to have them on board.
Christin Barbera: School Nurse
Lance Trott: School Psychologist
Kristin Tomczak: Primary Teacher
Jason Piccarreto: Center for Youth (SEL/Behavioral Support)
Siobhan Achter: Math Center Teaching Assistant
Lisa Scottow: Library Aide
Barb Gooding: Teaching Aide
Amy Watt: Teaching Aide
Center for Youth
Mr. Jason Piccarreto (Mr. J.) is working with QUEST through the Center for Youth. Through his role with the school, he will support student behavior--alongside the Principal--and general student social emotional needs. His work space is the former computer lab, and it is now called the Help Zone. This area is a safe place when kids need a break, behavioral support, or to process situations needing an additional set of ears. Mr. J. believes in being as proactive as possible when supporting students, so on any given day you will find him floating around the lunch room and pushing into classes to help students in their setting.
Mr. J is trained in Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI). In addition, he a certified trainer for Monroe County, a youth mentor, and he has done crisis therapy for several years. His approaches are restorative in nature, and the end goal is to educate the student so they have the skills necessary to be successful in class.
Virtual Parent Information Nights
Similar to last year, our Parent Information Nights will be virtual this year. Your child's teacher will provide you with information about signing into the event as we get closer. The schedule for these events are as follows:
October 5th-- K (6:00pm) and Elementary (6:45pm)
October 6th--Primary (6:00pm) and Intermediate (6:45 pm)
The blog is loaded with other goodies for your viewing pleasure. Please be sure to reach out if you have any questions or if we can support you in any way.
Derek Warren