Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Principal Update


Happy New Year! I hope you and your family were able to enjoy some quality time over break, and I hope the turning of the calendar brings you renewed energy. Please enjoy all the contents and information found in our blog this month; as always, do not hesitate to reach out with any QUestions. 

Winter Gear

QUEST believes in taking students outside for recess as much as possible, even during the winter months. Please be sure to send your child to school with a hat, gloves, and a coat each day. If your family needs any assistance in acquiring any of these items, please do not hesitate to reach out to our school counselor.

Student Goals

Our learning environment fosters student agency, or ownership over learning. Each student sets goals in order to grow, but also to develop the skillset of goal setting and student agency. This is a perfect time of year to chat with your child about their goals. What goals were set in October/November? How are you keeping these goals alive through home actions? 

Information Night Survey

Based on parent feedback, 80% of parents prefer we hold an open-house style event in place of the former Information Nights. Next year, you can expect that we will make this shift, ultimately allowing our students to join and show you around their school. 

Thank you to for taking the time to provide feedback. We greatly appreciate it! 

Enjoy the blog this month!


Derek Warren
QUEST Principal 

Special Areas Update


¡Feliz año nuevo! This fall, students did such a great job telling others about themselves in Spanish. Students shared their work with classmates. Primary and Elementary students will be posting their work in the halls. 

We are starting the new year off with a focus on Health and Body. Being able to communicate in real-life situations is important. I tell students a story about when my brother came to visit me in Costa Rica. He was exploring in the Rain Forest and ended up with a tropical form of poison ivy. I was not with him, and by the time he returned back to my place, he was suffering! I asked him why he did not stop at the clinic in the town where he was staying. “I didn’t know what to say.” was his reply. Just a few phrases can describe a health situation or help others in need. 

In Kindergarten we start learning body parts with lots of music and movement. Primary students learn to tell others when something hurts. Elementary students can ask others if they are hurting. Intermediate students will test their listening skills by answering questions based on what they hear in Spanish. All students will work on building vocabulary. We look at what we know at the beginning of the planner and what we learn by the end. 

It is essential to understand that we are all on a path of language learning. No one is in the same place on that path. We are each on our own journey and emphasis is placed on personal improvement not final percentages. This is a life-long philosophy that encourages students to take ownership of their learning. I don’t encourage students to be the best, but their best. Thank you for supporting your awesome kids! To hear some wacky songs to help build Spanish vocabulary, check out my YouTube channel!



Winter is here! The physical education department is doing a planner for all students at QUEST that focuses on Sledding/Outdoor Fitness. Our goal is to reinforce and/or introduce outdoor activities that are available in our community and also promote physical activity in the colder months. The students will learn the safety aspects of being outdoors, how fitness contributes to a healthy lifestyle, and the resources available in our community to participate in winter fitness activities.

Please send your child with appropriate clothing to go outside. This would include ski pants (or extra pair of pants), jacket, scarf, hat, gloves, and boots. We are planning on going outside for the next few weeks as long as the snow keeps coming, with the unit beginning on the week of Monday, January 30 and ending on Thursday, February 16. Thank you for your help and cooperation with our sledding/outdoor fitness unit. As always, any questions or concerns feel free to contact us at 585-392-1000 ext. 6181

Save the Date: Science Fun Day!

Hilton community we are looking for volunteers to participate in QUEST’s Annual Science Fun Day!  If you are interested in presenting and wondering what that entails please contact Mrs. Langswager or Ms. Lippincott for a more detailed explanation (emails are located on the flyer). 

Band Update


Band for all players will start on January 30th at 7:30am.  Beginning players, please make sure to return your transportation form.

Student Council Upcoming Events


Our Corner of the World


PTSO Update


Empty Bowls Fundraiser


Capital Project Vote


6 a.m. – 9 p.m.

Look for more information coming soon. A capital project newsletter will be mailed to all residents in late February. Information also will be posted on the district website at as it becomes available.

Wednesday, Mar. 1 from 6-8 p.m.
Hilton High School Auditorium

Parma Town Hall

1300 Hilton Parma Corners Rd., Hilton

You are eligible to vote if you are a U.S. citizen, 18 years of age or older, and a resident of the school district for at least 30 days prior to the vote. For more information, contact District Clerk Tracie Czebatol at 392-1000, ext. 7099.

Giving Tree


Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Child Safety Program Lessons

Dear Hilton Parent/Guardian,

In the past several years, many states including NY, have passed Erin's Law with the intent of increasing the awareness of child abuse. In Hilton, our elementary schools will continue to work with Community Educators from Bivona Child Advocacy Center to help us deliver the Monique Burr Foundation (MBF) Child Safety Matters™ program from the Monique Burr Foundation for Children. The program consists of two age-appropriate lessons to help children spot and respond to child abuse (physical, sexual and neglect), bullying and digital dangers. Most importantly, it teaches that adults are responsible for children’s safety. The program is based on the latest research and has been reviewed and endorsed by national experts.

What exactly is covered in the lessons? MBF Child Safety Matters covers personal safety, all types of child abuse, digital abuse, bullying, cyberbullying and other digital dangers. The lessons focus on teaching children to rely on safe adults for support. Lessons are taught using age-appropriate and child-friendly language, fun games, and activities. Take-home items are provided as reminders of the lessons. At K-6, these lessons will be delivered by Bivona Child Advocacy Center Community Educators in February.

How are Hilton parents informed? We value the ongoing partnership that we share with our families, and want you to be informed of what your child will experience. A recording of an informational webinar is posted to the HSCD website here. Additionally, each lesson in the program includes materials to read and activities for parents to do with their children. These are also posted on the HCSD website Child Safety page.

We look forward to this partnership with Bivona, HCSD staff, and HCSD elementary families to foster a safe and positive learning environment for our children.


Derek Warren