Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Happy Summer...Principal Update!

 QUEST Families,

Summer is far from over, but it is about that time where we begin to communicate about all the exciting things ahead! The team at QUEST is eager and almost ready for 23-24, and we can't wait to begin the journey ahead.  Welcome back, with a special welcome to our new QUEST families and Kindergarten families! 

Kindergarten Orientation 

Our new K families, you matter to us and we want to make sure you feel ready to go on day one! In light of this, we have a Kindergarten Orientation scheduled. At this orientation, you are able to meet your teacher, take a stroll around the school, and check out your new school. In addition, there will be a school bus to jump on! 

When: September 5th from 1:30-3:30

Where: QUEST, go straight to your child's classroom! We will be available to help you navigate the school and find the room! 


If you recall from last year, QUEST surveyed families and learned that many (~80% surveyed) would prefer for us to change our Information Night. In light of this, we are holding a Back-to-School Night (think Open House) at QUEST, and we are excited to have you join us. A cold treat (similar to Ice Cream Social) will also be provided! 

School Supplies Reminder

All students in the Hilton Central School District will have their supplies purchased for them this year. Some teachers may ask for a set of headphones(we did not purchase these), and your child needs to come with their own backpack and lunch pal (if your child brings lunch); the rest is covered. 

If you see Mrs. Merrill--Principal's Secretary--please extend a gigantic thank you. She went above and beyond to ensure we were all set with supplies. 

Chromebook Reminders

§ Please have your child charge the Chromebook leading up to the first day. K-2 Chromebooks are left at school, now, so this applies to 3-6.

§ Prior to the first day, please turn on the Chromebook and log in to make sure it is working correctly and fully charged.

§ Need a charger? Replacements are available for $20

 1:1 Student Technology Information

Child Pick-Up

If you plan to pick up your child daily, or intermittently but on specific days each week, you can use the link below. Please use the email with questions or specifics that are not captured by the form. 

Click here to submit a response!

Welcome to QUEST

We are excited to share the names for several new staff at QUEST. When we hire for QUEST, we always look for alignment with our school values (collaborative, progressive, caring, community focused, committed to our mission), and we certainly found that in our new hires. If you see them out and about, please be sure to welcome them to our QUEST family. 

We will have a few other new staff that we currently do not have photos for, but will welcome them in September's post. 

Michelle Shippers, Librarian

Kayla Reese, Intermediate 

Kennedy Shurtleff (returning), Kindergarten

Caitlyn Barker, Primary 

Jacquelynn Smith, Intermediate 

Tracey D'Alonzo, Consultant Teacher

In closing, I hope you and your child are able to dive into some good books with the remaining weeks of summer. The QUEST team is excited to begin and we wish you all the very best month of August! 

Yours in education,

Derek Warren
QUEST Principal 

QUEST Student Council

Help Wanted!

Every year, QUEST has a float in the Hilton Homecoming parade. This year we are in need of a tractor ( to decorate) and vehicle to pull it in the parade! Students, staff and families walk behind the tractor to support QUEST. If you are willing to help/donate/drive the tractor, please email

Monday, August 14, 2023

Picture Day

 Picture Day is Wednesday, October 18!

Below is the order form for pictures. You should also be receiving this in your child's backpack. You can order online by going to the Clix website. Enter in the code 23QE and place your order.

Paper order forms are not accepted after picture day. If you forget to send in your paper order, you will have to place the order online.