QUEST Families
I hope the month of October finds you and your family well. Our school is in full swing, and it has been really great to see so many families participate in our start-of-the-year events! One of the ab Thank you so much for your partnership.
District Improvement Team
The Hilton Central School District has a District Improvement Team, and we are currently looking for anyone that is interested in joining. This group is currently focused on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity action plan, and your input would be welcomed. If you are interested in joining or learning more about the commitment, please reach out to Derek!
Halloween is fast approaching, and our school will have an outdoor parade around the bus loop on 9:30 am on 10/31. Please feel free to join us (to view, please stand in the grass as students will be walking along the sidewalk!). If you wish to participate with other classroom-wide activities, please chat with your child's teacher about opportunities.
What if we do not celebrate Halloween?
If your family does not celebrate Halloween, please be sure to communicate with your child's teacher so that we can prepare alternate opportunities for your child.
What is allowed and not allowed to be worn to school on Halloween?
- No blood should be part of the costume that is worn to school.
- Toy weapons that go with the costume should not be brought to school.
- If a child has a mask with their costume, they should bring that in their bag; their classroom teacher will instruct them when it is an appropriate time to put it on.
- Costumes should not be offensive or discriminate against others.
Change to Parent Pickup Time
It's Almost Conference Time
Conferences are starting in many rooms, and our goal is to have all of our conferences with families complete by Thanksgiving. At QUEST, your child is also invited to the conference so that they can take ownership (agency) over their learning.
We look forward to conferencing with our students and our families, so please be on the lookout for a sign-up from your child's teacher!
QUEST families are amazing! Our PTSO set a new record for fundraising, a new record for the book fair, and we have had consistently high turnout for our events--thank you, families. Our school is founded on partnerships, and all of our great events are possible because of this. Thank you!
Please be sure to check out all the information on this month's blog--it is packed full of good stuff. As always, reach out if there is any way I can be of support.
Yours in Education,
Derek Warren
QUEST Principal