Thursday, February 15, 2024

February Principal's Update


I had to look at the calendar when writing this post. What happened to winter? Regardless of what mother nature is doing on the outside, our school is staying quite busy ensuring high levels of learning for each student. Not only that, but we also were able to squeeze in the beloved Sled Race just in time for the snow to melt. At your convenience, please take the time to review the many updates provided.

Portfolio Share? When and Why?

QUEST aims to have students be agents of their own learning. One way we accomplish this is through a portfolio share. In late February, or early/mid-March, teachers have students share a portfolio with their parents. This is accomplished in many ways: the child may bring home the portfolio to share and work with you on reflecting; the teacher may request a Zoom or a conference with the home where the child will share; in some cases a child may make something digital. 

Regardless of the sharing method, the goal stays the same: the students reflect on their learning, their goals, and show evidence of growth toward their goals. This ownership is part of how we foster agency. Please join me in celebrating growth this month as your child shares their portfolio with you. 

Student Action

Speaking of agency, QUEST students take action! Is there an action that your family took to tackle a local or global issue? Or, has there been any volunteerism that your child has done or that you have done as a family? In the spirit of taking action, I would encourage you to share any action with Mr. Greg Booth (, our IB Coordinator. Our school currently has a display that highlights student actions, and wow are there some great ones! Check it out the next time you are in, but in the meantime, keep sending those actions in! 

Enjoy the blog this month. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions. 

Yours in Education,


QUEST Principal 


Level Updates


We made it to 100 days! We have learned so much and love school! We are looking forward to the next half of the year!

We are looking into a few exciting opportunities for field trips as the weather starts to get warmer. We have lots of learning to still do! We will be investigating Needs and Wants and then on to Living Thing... all things WORMS! Woohoo! How fun and exciting!


The primary team is working hard! We have just finished our planner on culture and are now into a science planner under Where we are in Place and Time. Our central idea is Observations of Earth, Moon and Star cycles help us to understand our world, and our lines of Inquiry are: How patterns impact human decisions, seasons, Gregorian calendar and the amount of daylight and sunlight. We are all visiting the planetarium at SUNY Brockport to support this planner! If we have clear skies at night or early morning, please take some time to look up and notice the moon and stars and then talk about what you notice. The kids love this planner and have fun making connections! Please continue to read at home each night. It is still good to read to your child and have them read to you! There are so many good books to share! In writing we are finishing our nonfiction unit and then returning to fiction or small moment stories. Please talk about ideas for stories with your child by helping them notice when they have an experience that they could write about. It could be something funny that happened, a birthday party or and day they played outside for example. In math, younger friends are finishing up a measurement unit and then will be returning to addition and subtraction. We are also learning about time to the hour and half hour. Now is a good time to pull out analog watches and clocks and talk about what time it is! Older friends are learning to sort, collect and interpreting data through bar and pictographs. They will have fun doing surveys and then graphing the results. They are also continuing to learn time to the hour, half hour and five minutes. Please have fun talking about the time on analog and digital clocks! Thank you for all of your ongoing support!


The Elementary Level has been involved in a hands-on science unit titled “Ride the Wave”. In this unit students learned about various invisible forces and used some of those forces to create a Rube Goldberg machine. Be sure to ask your child about the one his/her team created! This study of invisible forces connected well with our work on building sleds and the annual sled race. In the second part of this unit, students studied about waves and how information travels along a wave. Students used spring coils and slinkys to determine the overall pattern of waves. They also investigated binary code and how cell phones use this to send messages. Our next unit will be a social studies based planner that looks at change over time. We will study how New York became a state and look at how the United States of America was formed, along with looking at immigration and Westward Movement. Classes will be joining together on certain days to provide students with some different learning opportunities regarding these topics.


This month, the Intermediate level participated in their in-school field trip, Space Day. Classes rotated through different stations in the school where they learned how to create an animation in Canva on moon phases, the 2024 solar eclipse, and why the Earth has seasons. We have started our next planner titled "Artifacts Tell a Story," where we will inquire into early exploration, power among countries, and trade.

Our Corner of the World


Special Area News


Health Office Updates


Student Council Update

We had a great turn out for Family Craft Night. The residents of Hilton East are sure to appreciate their beautiful Valentines!

Save the Date: Empty Bowls will be hosted by QUEST Elementary this year. Student and adult volunteers will be needed for this important event.