The Primary team has been very busy! We are doing a lot of end of year assessments while continuing to have fun learning. It's great to see the growing independence from all our kids as they get ready to move on or become older friends in our classes. We are excited for moving up day when we will get to meet our new classes and our older friends will meet their new teachers. We are also excited for all the other fun end of year events yet to come. There will be special pole activities and field day coming up quickly. We all enjoyed Science Fun Day and have been loving to participate in Kruveytown as we learn about needs, wants, supply and demand. As summer break approaches, please make a plan to support your child's learning while having fun! Encourage your child to be a lifelong learner by reading, writing, being mathematicians and inquirers of the world around them. Above all, do this while having fun and enjoying the outdoors! We can't wait to hear of all your family's summer adventures!
It’s hard to believe that the end of the school year is fast approaching! The Elementary level is finishing out the year with a science based planner on life cycles. We are looking at how all organisms have life cycles. Classrooms have raised butterflies to observe a portion of their life cycle, along with growing various plants. Students are also looking at how traits are inherited and how the environment can influence those traits.
Thanks to PTSO, the Elementary level has been able to take two field trips this year. In May all classes went on a boat ride on the Erie Canal. Students experienced what going through a lock was like, along with learning the history of the Erie Canal. This field trip tied to our Change Over Time planner. In June, class will be going to the Susan B. Anthony House. This trip connects to our Rock the Boat unit and how people generate change.
Intermediate students are working on our last planner of the year that explores how systems provide order and structure. We have looked at systems in our school, New York state, the United States and other countries of the Western Hemisphere. We’ve also enjoyed two field trips sponsored by our PTSO. We went to the Rochester Museum and Science Center and enjoyed a day at Hamlin Beach where we learned about orienteering. We are looking forward to Graduation.