Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Monthly Principal Message

 Quest Families, 

Happy 2021! I hope the new year finds you healthy, happy, and hopeful (anyone feeling hopeful for the Bills?). Our students and staff are hard at work, and learning is currently occurring at full-steam-ahead mode. Let's continue to work together to make this new year a great one for our kids. 


We are all hard at work with this year's PTSO fundraiser. I'd like to give a gigantic thank you to our PTSO team for all their efforts, but also to each of you for going above and beyond to help us reach our goal. As you know, the funds that are earned go right back to classrooms and school-wide events, ultimately helping to make our school such a special place. We have until the 21st to raise funds, so let's continue to push toward that goal. 


QUEST Information Night

Word of mouth is the number one reason why people select our school for their children, and I am excited to share that our information night is set for the 19th at 7pm. If you know of a family considering Quest, I would encourage you to invite them to join the informational session. This year we will do the session over Zoom, so please encourage them to call the school should they need the sign-in information. 

The blog is bursting at the seams with good information this month, so please take a careful look. As always, do not hesitate to reach out to the school should you have any questions. If I do not hear from you, I hope you and your family have a relaxing month of January. 



QUEST Principal 

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