Our Kindergarten students have been working hard and growing SO
much! Can you believe we’re halfway through the year already?! We
are excited to celebrate the 100th Day of School AND Valentines Day
this upcoming Monday, February 14th and look forward to seeing a
glimpse of the future as our students dress like 100 year olds!
This month, we also begin to explore needs and wants for our newest IB
planner. We will be inquiring into needs and wants of people and animals
around the world and comparing them to our own. What are your family’s
needs and wants? Consider having this discussion at home.
We hope everyone has an amazing February break. Stay
safe and have fun!
Have you ever been lost? Have you ever had to read directions or
ask Google or Siri for directions? After our Inquiry unit,
"Location, Location, Location," hopefully your primary student could
help you. We have been learning how to read maps, about cardinal
directions and land features. We also inquired into how our Earth changes
quickly and slowly. Our next inquiry we will be looking into Matter. We
will be learning about how to make observations, asking more questions and on
different states of matter. Wait until you see what can be made out of
garbage. The students are loving the science!
The students are also spending a lot of our time learning about nonfiction materials. We are reading nonfiction books. We are writing them and we are even learning how to write them on the computer. The kids are loving reading books about topics they are interested in.
Thank you for all of your support during this crazy time. Please keep having your child read at home.
The Elementary Level has
been busy working on our IB Planner Revolutions & Government. In this
planner, students learn about the Thirteen Colonies, reasons for the American
Revolution, and how our government works. Students learn that people can
generate change in their lives in many ways. We read biographies of
"change-makers", those people from many walks of life who recognize
problem situations and set about to make changes that affect themselves and
others. In writing, students are working on informational text features
and writing for information. Everyone enjoyed the annual QUEST Sled Race
and students at the Elementary Level were especially excited for the
opportunity to work in their own teams to design and build their own
The Intermediate Team is beyond excited to start exploring
our newest inquiry unit- Life is influenced by spatial relationships. Our
exploration will be driven by the following lines of inquiry:
- The
spatial relationships of earth, the sun and the moon.
- How
we organize time in connection to the earth, the sun and the moon.
- Cycles
and patterns in connection to time.
We will culminate this unit with a special SPACE DAY,
which will include hands-on activities related to space.
Intermediate students are working on collecting evidence to
demonstrate growth in the goals that we set at the beginning of the year. We
are excited to show our families our learning and what we are proud of while
working at school during our PORTFOLIO SHARES.
Save the Date: Unless something changes, our 6th
grade graduation will be held on Tuesday, June 21st at the Hilton
High School.
-The Intermediate Team
In addition to our planners, QUEST is also finding many ways to celebrate Black History Month!
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