Kindergarten: The Kindergarten team has been busy learning about celebrations! Throughout our planner, we are looking forward to enjoying some holiday carols, doing some crafts, and listening to stories of celebrations from around the world.
This week, we learned that Chromebooks for Kindergarten should arrive to the classroom by December 14th! As a Kindergarten team, we have decided to keep the Chromebooks at school until Winter break so we can learn the basics of how to operate them. They will be sent home with your child December 22nd or 23rd and can be kept at home unless otherwise notified by your teacher. Considering the amount of materials our little friends are already bringing back and forth to school each day, we thought it best not to add more. As always, this is a tentative plan and should we feel the need to change, we will communicate adjustments as soon as possible.
Lastly, please send your child to school wearing a mask that fits him/her well on each in person school day. It’s also important for your child to have at least one extra clean mask in his/her backpack in the event that a mask change is needed during the day. Thank you so much for your help with this!
We wish you a happy, healthy holiday season and look forward to hearing all about your family’s traditions and celebrations!
Primary: We again would like to start by thanking our primary parents for your support during the distance learning. We know our little friends require a lot of help and we see you doing it and we really appreciate it. Thank you for your patience and hard work.
During our planner, "Let's Build a Community," we have been learning about different types of communities. Some of the students participated in building dioramas of urban, suburban and rural areas. Students have been learning different attributes of communities and how they rely on each other. We will be moving shortly into the planner, "The Keeping Quilt." Where we will learn about traditions and different cultures.
During Writer's and Reader's workshop we will be moving into learning about nonfiction books and learning to write expository texts! We will be working on writing "All Abouts," and "How tos!" Make sure when you are reading at home that you are pointing out different text features in nonfiction books.
Elementary: The Elementary Team will be moving to their next planner entitled Meeting Our Needs. In this planner students will explore the basics of economy as well as explore how where people live in our world influences how they live. Students will explore how people rely on natural resources in their environment to meet their needs and wants. We will also learn how we as humans impact our environment in both positive and negative ways as we try to meet those needs. Students and teachers are excited to be receiving district assigned chrome books. Elementary classrooms will be learning how to utilize our new technology for both in person and remote learning. All classrooms will be using GOOGLE Classroom as their main learning platform and students will learn how to access, work on, and turn in assignments on GOOGLE Classroom. We will also explore other technology-based resources that students will be asked to use.
Intermediate: The intermediate team is plowing through our current inquiry unit: Location helps engineer growth and development of a society.
We will inquiry how people live together share a common identity, the ways people adapt to and modify their environment to meet their needs, how geography impacts migration and settlement, and the commonalities of all civilizations.
Students are working with partners or in small groups on a web quest to travel back in time to find out as much as we can about ancient civilizations. By the end of our inquiry, we will use the knowledge gained to create a plan for a future civilization on a recently found planet similar to Earth, just outside of our galaxy.
Last month we wrapped up November by creating a choose-your-own-adventure style QUEST FEAST. We contributed a mix of virtual and physical presentations that ranged from playing stick games that Native American children played to learning facts about the culture of the Wampanoag people and learning the history of the Dutch oven.
The intermediate team warmly welcomes back students on Wednesdays and we are excited to focus our time on inquiry-based activities and challenges to build anticipations and engagement for the school year. Welcome back!
Special Areas: With the arrival of chromebooks, all students will be joining Special Area Google Classrooms. Students will have a different classroom for Art, Music, PE and Spanish. Our team will make sure that all students are signed up in the correct classrooms during the month of December.
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