Thursday, December 10, 2020

Student Council Updates By: Lucas Childs

Student Council Elections

Every year at QUEST we have a Student Council Election.  This year our election took place on November 3rd.  These are our winners.

Our President is Liliana DiSalvo  

Our Vice President is Brianna Sadecki

Our Secretary/Treasurer is Penelope (Penny) Tracey

Here is the list of our classroom representatives:

Pierri: Alexis Koch

Lippincott: Alicea Bunt

 Booth: Audra Green

Pierri: Ava Caputo

Stanford Avery Green

Stanford: Carter Hodges

 Langswager: Dylan Fumarola

 Carpenter: Ethan Smith

 Stanford: Etta Radford

 Firkins: Evie Heibel

 Lippincott: Graham Kimmel

Pierri: Greyson Sullivan

Langswager: John Borcyk

 Firkins: Lillianna Yockel

Booth: Lillie Jines

 Duffy: Liviarose Childs

Tracey: Luca Conway

Carpenter:  Lucas Childs

 Duffy: Lulu Tracey

B. Jones: Mason Hacker

Langswager: Mallory Butlin

C. Jones: McKenna Barton

Langswager: Michael Borcyk

Stanford: Olivia Rodriguez

 C. Jones: Sam Alsafadi

 Butlin: Nathan Spriggs

 Butlin: Ellianna Nowicki

 Tracey: Ryan Fumarola

 Monfiletto: Maeve Law

Langswager : Rose Pincelli

 P.J: Grace Pincelli

Ms. McCormick and Mrs. Tracey are our student council advisors.

Winter Family Night!!🎄🎄

This year we are being creative while celebrating events. This December 17th is a family winter movie/hot chocolate/craft night! Students can watch at home after dinner, a movie of their choice with their families.  Pick your favorite winter or holiday movie. What is your favorite holiday movie?  Student can do a craft that is on the flyer. They can take a picture of their family participating and tag the student council twitter account!




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